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Planning & Network Advisory Committee

Planning and Network Advisory Committee (PNAC)

Through its local Board, Gulf Bend Center appoints, charges, and supports a Planning and Network Advisory Committee with the purpose of advising the Board of Trustees on the mental health and intellectual/developmental disability issues of children and adults served by the Center. The PNAC incorporates meaningful participation from people with lived experience of mental health, developmental disability, and/or substance use disorders. Membership of this committee includes consumers, family members, community members, and staff from other agencies from various counties serviced by the Center.

They accomplish their advisory tasks by working with Center management and through review of the Center’s local plan for resource development, resource allocation and contracts performance activities. PNAC provides input into community needs and goals, service development and quality improvement, and organizational governance.

If you have any questions concerning the PNAC Committee or wish to become a member of the PNAC Committee and meet the criteria mentioned in the narrative above, please contact Sara Ramos, Executive Administrative Assistant at 361-582-2309, or fill out the contact form on this page.

Questions about PNAC?

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