Quality & Compliance
Gulf Bend Center is committed to providing quality behavioral health, intellectual, and developmental disability services to the residents of the counties we serve. Our organization adheres to strict internal and external plans and processes to ensure our employees are providing proper care to our clients. To learn more, please see the Center's documents below.
Corporate Compliance & Standards of Conduct Plan FY 24
Quality Management Plan FY 23-24
Utilization Management Plan FY 21
Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Local Plan FY 24-25
QM/Compliance Department Contacts
Compliance Hotline - 361.582.2303
Martha Jones, Quality Management - 361.582.2349
Gulf Bend Center
Attention: QM/Compliance Department
6502 Nursery Drive, Suite 100
Victoria, Texas 77904
Email: compliance@gulfbend.org
Mental Health, Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities & Substance Use Issues
24-Hour Crisis Hotline: (877)SAFEGBC or (877)723-3422