Child & Adolescent Mental Health
Gulf Bend Center’s Children & Adolescent Mental Health Services are provided to eligible children, adolescents, and families to assist in coping with mental illnesses and serious emotional and/or behavioral disturbances. Services can be provided in the school, home, community, office, or other location preferred by the family. A case manager and/or treatment team will work with the child and family to meet goals, provide treatment, and help work toward a vision of success.
- Assist children and families in managing symptoms and behaviors to improve overall health and wellness
- Assist children and families in working toward reaching their personal goals for success
- Assist children and families in identifying and utilizing outside programs and resources
- Skills training and rehabilitative services
- Medical services and medication monitoring
- Support services for families and caregivers
- Counseling services
- Peer support
- Referrals to outside services and assistance

Youth Empowerment Services (YES) Waiver – A Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Waiver that allows for more flexibility in the funding of intensive community-based services to assist children and adolescents with severe emotional disturbance to live in the community with their families. To obtain more information or to get registered on the inquiry list for Gulf Bend Center, please call 361.575.0611 and press 7 or extension 300 or call 800.421.8825.
Children and youth ages 3-17 who have a mental health diagnosis, exhibit serious emotional, behavioral or mental disorders; and have a serious functional impairment. Services are offered to residents within Gulf Bend’s seven county service area: Refugio, Lavaca, Dewitt, Goliad, Victoria, Jackson, and Calhoun. *Individuals will not be denied access to services based on current address or ability to pay.
Mental Health, Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities & Substance Use Issues
24-Hour Crisis Hotline: (877)SAFEGBC or (877)723-3422