Smoking Cessation Program
Gulf Bend Center’s Smoking Cessation program assist individuals in decreasing their dependence nicotine and tobacco products. Research shows that non-smokers as well as those that quit smoking now, have a longer life span and improved physical health. Our focus is to educate our customers on the dangers of tobacco use, teach skills on how to quit, and to provide resources to continue their quest for independence from tobacco products.
- To aide our customers in identifying their personal smoking triggers
- Provide education and products to aid in your decision to quit
- To decrease the number of people using tobacco products
- Tobacco Assessments
- Individual Counseling
- Provide ongoing support and resources
- Medication Assisted Treatment
- Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Services are provided to individuals within Gulf Bend’s seven county catchment area (Refugio, Lavaca, Dewitt, Goliad, Victoria, Jackson, and Calhoun). *Individuals will not be denied access to services based on current address or ability to pay.
Mental Health, Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities & Substance Use Issues
24-Hour Crisis Hotline: (877)SAFEGBC or (877)723-3422